Saturday, 15 February 2014

Spencer's back using his Battle Rope for training again!

Battling Ropes have been steadily becoming more popular over the last few years. People are finally starting to realise the massive improvement adding these ropes to your fitness regime can make!

Made In Chelsea’s Spencer Matthews has been at it again. Commenting on using the ropes he said,

Spencer Matthews using Polypropylene battle rope for a high intensity workout

‘By the way the thing with the rope, known as battle-ropes, is harder than it looks – the rope is pretty heavy at 10kgs each hand, I always feel knackered after doing three sets of 30 seconds.’

Spencer’s attempts to get back into shape have clearly worked though as can be seen in his cover page for Mens Health shown below.

The high intensity training technique has been scientifically proven to have huge fat burning potential with fast results. 

The short bursts of exercise, done using the ropes leaves people feeling toned and with stronger arms and core. 

And for those of you who don’t know where to start, Polypro ropes are a brilliant choice for all levels of fitness including beginners with increasing lengths available for higher intensities. 

You only need to purchase one rope to start your workout. Throw it around a lamppost or pole and you can start training straight away. 

Here at Exercise Ropes we are keen to promote fitness and a healthy lifestyle. Our ropes are good value for money whilst maintaining a high quality. We supply to a wide variety of rugby trainers and gyms all over Europe. Mens Health magazine have even followed us on twitter! 

Check out our ropes now at

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Battling ropes – five reasons your gym should have them and why you will want to use them again and again.

1)   Its fast. Battling rope users see the benefits of fast bouts of high intensity training and a full workout can be done in as little as 20 minutes using HIIT. Even the most in shape of us will find the workout intense. Fat burning is fast to burning between 350- 450 calories per hour

2)   You can use them anywhere – battling ropes can be used indoors and outdoors, you only require a post, anchor point or tree! Whilst the manila ropes offer a more intense workout the polypropyleneropes are fully waterproof and can get wet and muddy and require very little care. Choosing longer lengths and larger thicknesses allows the same level of intensity as manila.

3)   Many Exercises – Battling ropes are far more dynamic that free weights and other traditional workouts; there are many workouts you can do with the ropes; a quick look at YouTube and you will find many variations. You can even make up your own routines that work for you.

4)   Great value – They’re pretty cheep considering the great workout potential, portability and fast set up time these ropes are considerably less harsh on the pocket and gym space that other alternatives.

5)   Fun! – Battle ropes are a fun and challenging way to workout with good progression and great results. Many gyms, individuals and athletes have opted for this kind of high impact training for great results and fast fun workouts. The ropes have also been adopted by many celebs and stars with busy schedules and low attention spans in the ‘everything now’ world of the 21st century.

So that’s it there are many reasons that these ropes have been adopted all over the country but the only way to see the true benefits is to try them for yourself. are the only specialist battling rope producers in the U.K (they also post abroad) their ropes are produced by hand and are made from high-quality durable materials.

Friday, 27 December 2013

Battle Ropes to get back into shape this New Year

We are all guilty of a little over indulgence during the festive period. It has been estimated that throughout the holiday period the average person gains up to a whooping SEVEN pounds! 

But come January 2014 we will all undoubtedly set our New Year’s resolutions, with getting back into shape being top of the list.

Coming from someone who finds the gym incredibly repetitive and boring, I have impossibly failed year upon year to stick to my new year’s resolution of getting back into shape. 

Many people take the first step of their fitness kick by beginning a gym membership (needless to say this is often as far as people get with their workout plan). After a couple of weeks you’re bored with the gym and as quickly as you began the regime, it has ended.

But don’t give up just yet.. 

A new, exciting way to approach your workout has arrived in the form of Battle Ropes. This exercise technique has been becoming very popular among personal trainers all over the world.

But you don’t need to be a fitness fanatic to use the ropes! Made In Chelsea's Spencer Matthews has been spotted using Battle Ropes to get back into shape, proving anyone can make use of the ropes.

Spencer Matthews using Battle Ropes at Boot Camp

Men and women of all fitness backgrounds can use the ropes with incredible results. With a range of ropes on the market, including Poly-pro and Manila ropes, there is something to suit everyone. A range in size and diameter mean you can personalise your rope to your fitness level.

The ropes can be used at home; just wrap the rope around a lamppost, basketball goal post or any heavy beam or pole and you can start exercising!

Place the ropes around a pole and pull them toward you. Stand with your feet hip-distance apart and pick up the end of each rope. Bend your knees slightly and you’re ready. Create waves, criss-crosses or pull side to side with your rope.

Using the ropes is a fun and effective way to workout.

  • ·         Start off slow then build up the length and frequency of the workout to help you feel comfortable and give you the chance to get used to using your rope.

  • ·         Setting targets for yourself is essential and will keep you interested in working out.

  • ·         Increasing the number of waves you do with the rope will leave you feeling the benefits that little bit more.

Battling ropes workout the whole of your body making you feel fit and healthy all over.

You can have your own rope to benefit from this fat blasting, fast toning exercise with the click of a button

Why spend boring hours in the gym when you can shed your excess Christmas pounds using your own battle rope?

Don’t be afraid to try something new. 

Check out to buy your brand new rope for your 2014 fitness regime today!

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Jump Rope Cardio - the most effective workout?

You may think of jump rope as purely something you would find in the playground. 

But as surprising as it might be, using a jump rope is one of the most effective cardio workouts you can do to increase your level of fitness!

Many top athletes use jump rope as part of their training programme for an intensive workout with maximum benefits.

It is estimated that 10 minutes spent jump roping is as effective as jogging for 30 minutes, so it is great for those of you with a busy schedule.

Jump rope is inexpensive. Once you have purchased your rope you have easy access to a great workout. The ropes can last for years, if not decades, so there is no need to go to the gym!

Jump rope is an effective workout for the whole body and that’s why these ropes are increasing in popularity. You can sculpt your legs, chest, arms and shoulders with results being seen even with only a 10 minute workout per day.

You can gradually increase your workout to incorporate more turns or tricks, keeping exercising interesting.
There are plenty of reasons why you should get your own jump rope,

  •  Exercise anywhere - be it outside or inside
  • Portable - It is compact and easy to transport if needed
  • Effective -You can build your agility and fitness level fast
  • Fat loss - as you are using such a wide range of muscles
  • Strength – evidence shows regular jumping builds bone mineral density

Jumping rope can improve your speed, balance and coordination as well as improving your general fitness.
You can also get other family members involved as jump rope is accessible for everyone of different fitness levels. 

Ropes made of Polypro or Manila rope, commonly used for battling ropes, are recommended due to their durability for use long term.

At a time of year when we all like to indulge, purchasing your own jump rope may be a good place to start getting back into shape.

Keep fit during the festive season!

Visit to purchase your very own jump rope today

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Battle Ropes proven to increase your sit-up and push-up counts!

Battle Ropes proven to increase your sit-up and push-up counts!

The latest scientific research on Battling ropes from the University of the Windsor, Canada has shown quarter hour sessions using battle ropes once every 2 days can increase maximum push-up count by an average of 24% within a month with many results being significantly higher.
Among 30 people trialled (with a 50-50 male female split) aged 20-30 years old and average levels of fitness all subjects also showed improvement of maximum number of sit-ups (between 6-10% improvement) achieved before fatigue. Research suggests men could improve their sit-up maximums using a heavier rope than supplied in the tests.

The men were given ropes measuring approximately 15m x 40mm Diameter. Women used 10m x 40mm Diameter rope. The ropes were around 12 and 9 kgs respectively this weight range is equivalent to natural fibres such as manila or hemp.

The subjects were tasked to carryout 30-second, high-intensity bouts of alternate and parallel whipping exercises with 1-minute rests between repeating 10 times.
Colin McAuslan the head of the study suggests the biggest improvements cane be seen by starting with shorter, thinner ropes, but keep shifting to longer, heavier ropes as you improve. Increasing the intensity and the exercise vs. rest rates until fatigue can help improvements over time.
Other studies show the benefits of battle ropes including huge boosts in metabolic rate. The University of Minnesota Duluth attributes this to “an acute 10-minute bout of rope training is a vigorous-intensity workout, resulting in high heart rates and energy expenditure.”
Now that the long known benefits of battling ropes are being quantified, this dynamic exercise should be a crucial part of your gym routine, personal training or crossfit setup.

Monday, 25 November 2013

Battle-Pro Poly-Pro Battling Rope use for Sport Injury Rehabilitation

In the 21st century we are repeatedly advised to be in the best shape we could possibly be, to eat healthily and to exercise regularly. In a world of rising obesity and its related health conditions taking part in regular activity and playing sport are increasingly important. It is true that playing sport and taking part in regular exercise is good for your health, but it can also unfortunately sometimes result in injuries.

Sports injuries can be caused from an accident, not warming up properly, inadequate equipment or overtraining. Often these injuries are minor and do not cause long term problems for the person, such as cuts, grazes or bruises. Pain and swelling after an injury is common, as is restricted limb movement of the affected area.

Sometimes however, these injuries can be more significant and more support is needed for rehabilitation to regain the full function of the affected area.  Medical advice will tell you to stop exercising if you feel pain so as to speed up your recovery time. You need to stop before causing further damage. Once you have gone through this stage of recovery you can embark on a rehabilitation programme.

Rehabilitation is vital in the treatment of sports injuries. A rehabilitation programme aims to return the injured body part to a normal level by introducing it to movement and exercise gradually. This will improve range of motion and return the normal function of injured area.

Gentle exercises are often advised to increase flexibility in the affected body part and improve the areas range of motion. This also helps to strengthen muscles in the affected body part. Through exercise you can encourage flow of blood into affected body part so nutrients in blood can help repair damaged tissue

As movement becomes easier and the pain decreases, stretching and strengthening exercises can be introduced.

Polypro ropes are ideal for use in rehabilitation of upper body sports injuries. These lightweight ropes are dynamic and can be used at increasingly intense levels depended on your rehabilitation schedule. They are available in a variety of lengths including 5m, 10m, 15m and 20m, depending on your unique injury and normal fitness and performance levels.  Start by doing frequent repetitions of a few simple exercises using the ropes before gradually increasing the amount that you do.

Visit for advice more information and great deals on Polypropylene and Manila battling ropes.