Monday, 25 November 2013

Battle-Pro Poly-Pro Battling Rope use for Sport Injury Rehabilitation

In the 21st century we are repeatedly advised to be in the best shape we could possibly be, to eat healthily and to exercise regularly. In a world of rising obesity and its related health conditions taking part in regular activity and playing sport are increasingly important. It is true that playing sport and taking part in regular exercise is good for your health, but it can also unfortunately sometimes result in injuries.

Sports injuries can be caused from an accident, not warming up properly, inadequate equipment or overtraining. Often these injuries are minor and do not cause long term problems for the person, such as cuts, grazes or bruises. Pain and swelling after an injury is common, as is restricted limb movement of the affected area.

Sometimes however, these injuries can be more significant and more support is needed for rehabilitation to regain the full function of the affected area.  Medical advice will tell you to stop exercising if you feel pain so as to speed up your recovery time. You need to stop before causing further damage. Once you have gone through this stage of recovery you can embark on a rehabilitation programme.

Rehabilitation is vital in the treatment of sports injuries. A rehabilitation programme aims to return the injured body part to a normal level by introducing it to movement and exercise gradually. This will improve range of motion and return the normal function of injured area.

Gentle exercises are often advised to increase flexibility in the affected body part and improve the areas range of motion. This also helps to strengthen muscles in the affected body part. Through exercise you can encourage flow of blood into affected body part so nutrients in blood can help repair damaged tissue

As movement becomes easier and the pain decreases, stretching and strengthening exercises can be introduced.

Polypro ropes are ideal for use in rehabilitation of upper body sports injuries. These lightweight ropes are dynamic and can be used at increasingly intense levels depended on your rehabilitation schedule. They are available in a variety of lengths including 5m, 10m, 15m and 20m, depending on your unique injury and normal fitness and performance levels.  Start by doing frequent repetitions of a few simple exercises using the ropes before gradually increasing the amount that you do.

Visit for advice more information and great deals on Polypropylene and Manila battling ropes.

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